Saturday, March 24, 2012


The creative challenge
The challenge is to create a piece of communication that highlights the importance of getting properly fitted for a bra. Most importantly the communication must work in a Point of Sale context, and you must demonstrate how your idea would come to life in-store.

Your creative concept must be able to scale to contexts beyond Point of Sale and we would also like to see how you think it can come to life elsewhere. For example, you might want to consider how things scale online or how advertising local to stores would work. How you approach bringing your idea to life more broadly is entirely up to you. We are very open to new innovative ideas, so long as the fitting message is conveyed in an approach that will appeal to the target audience. We would like customers to instantly recognise Triumph as the first choice for fitting. We already have an active training schedule in place for new and existing staff, so can be confident that the fitting is of a high standard across the board – this should be reflected in your communication.
Historically Triumph have used model photography to convey the fitting message, however you are welcome to explore how we can move on from this, and look at other methods such as illustration.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Zip it manifesto.

Being in a non-stop, always on the go, 24/7 societies, it's always a wonder when people have time to themselves, time to converse face-to-face and enjoy a break from work. However, it seems no one does actually turn off from working, cyber world, as looking around there is always some obnoxious person yelling down a mobile phone.

Have you ever been in a restaurant trying to have a little peace and quiet, to enjoy the company of those around you, and then you hear the buzzing vibrations or stupid ringtones some idiot has downloaded, only to have your conversation halted by distractions of " HELLO? WHAT? YEAH? CAN'T TALK RIGHT NOW. NO? REALLY? HA HA HA.." and so on. You either get involuntarily involved in listening to the weird and wonderful details of the details of the life of the person across the dining room to you, or maybe it's a member of your own party on the dreaded phone contraption preferring the company of someone half way round the world to your own. Either way you would agree that mobile phones are a nuisance in public places such as restaurants.

Isn't it time to stop this isolation and begin to CHAT; to converse and interact with those already present and to get Calls Halted At Table.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Islamic Museum.

Pictures takan at Islamic Museum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia